HOME > Information > 2008 > Former President Dr. Hideo Aiso (currently Director of the Board) awarded C&C Prize for 2008 by NEC C&C Foundation

Former President Dr. Hideo Aiso (currently Director of the Board) awarded C&C Prize for 2008 by NEC C&C Foundation

Dr. Hideo Aiso, Director, Board of Trustees (formerly President, Tokyo University of Technology), has been awarded the C&C Prize for 2008 by NEC C&C Foundation for his “contributions to the advancement and growth of the computer industry through research and development on computer systems, and for the development of new interdisciplinary areas in ICT, resulting in the progress of education and research methodologies.”
■Recipient of C&C Prize for 2008: Group A: Dr. Hideo Aiso
■NEC C&C Foundation (a non-profit organization)
■This news was also reported on the following newspaper
Nikkan Kogyou Shimbun, October 8, 2008 (page 20)
Title of article: NEC’s C&C prize awarded to Dr. Aiso and Prof. Barabási