Computer Science Program

Shigeru HOSONO


Shigeru HOSONO

Department/Research Field

Service System Design

Research content
To innovate a service system of systems in our society, our research focuses on the computation technologies of system design: methodologies, tools and processes through a service lifecycle. The research themes include users’ behavior/context modeling, knowledge development, qualitative simulation, and conceptual design methods for services. Workshop design based on our methodologies is also one of the research issues. The technologies of service system design have been developed under the projects of familiar and upcoming challenges in our society.

Research theme

Service Design, System Architecture, Service Computing, Development Process, Conviviality

Research keywords
Convivial Technology , Subsumption Architecture , Knowledge Development , System Modeling , Design Pattern , DevOps?MLOps , Web3 Architecture , Self-Sovereign Identity (SSI) , Digital Trust, Blockchain
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