Bionics Program

HOME > Major Subject > Bionics Program > Takuo AKIMOTO




Department/Research Field

Microbial biosensors for detection of environmental pollutant

Research content
Our research theme is development of microbial biosensors to detect environmental pollutants including land mine, mutagens, pesticides, and Biochemical Oxygen demand (BOD). For example, to detect land mines, microbe that can change its fluorescent color in response to trinitrotoluene were developed. When this microbe is sprayed in an area where the presence of landmines is suspected, the presence of the land mine can be detected by changes in the fluorescent color of the microbe. Pesticides can be measured using microbe that has both a gene for an enzyme of pesticides degradation and a gene for fluorescent proteins. In this case, pesticides can be measured based on the change in the fluorescence color of the microorganisms. As with other environmental contaminants, our laboratory aims to detect environmental contaminants based on changes in the fluorescence color of microbes.
Research theme

Microbial biosensor for pesticide detection
Microbial biosensor for detection of explosive material

Research keywords
Biosensor , environmental pollutants , fluorescence
Lab link